Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Driver's License Renewal at the LTO

I went to Farmer's Cubao to get my driver's licensed renewed at LTO. My first time renewing one and it was pretty fast and stressfree. Located near MRT Cubao Station, if you're coming from MRT Cubao, go inside Farmer's Plaza, and find Chowking on the same level, turn right from there and go straight until you get to the LTO to your left, it looks like a store too since it's in line with other stores. I got in at 3:08pm and got my license at 4pm, yes barely an hour. If you're fast enough to fill up the forms then you'll get out faster than I did.

Let me tell you how's it done. Get a form and fill it up, and you'll be told to go the adjacent drug test center for your medical and drug test. At the drug test center, you'll fill up some forms, give your old license, pay for the tests, wait to be called and urinate in a small bottle. They'll get your picture, fingerprints, weight, height, pulse rate and test your vision. Then off you go to the LTO with your medical and drug test results.

Present it to window 2 (as of this time) for evaluation and wait to be called. You'll be called for the picture and signature. I suggest you fix your face and hair first, or even smile to the camera, because maybe you'll regret it for the next 3 years. No cue on when will the operator click that golden shutter. You'll be suprised that it's over when he tells you to sign your electronic signature. After a few moments you'll be called to pay for the license and get your receipt. Then after a few moments again, they'll call you and release your precious driver's license with a lifespan of 3 years and of course it will always expire on your birthday.

My cost...
Medical and drug test: php 400
LTO: php418
Total: php818

We're lucky today because of the technology. It's way too fast than before. Before, my parents say that the license takes 90 days to be released, that's a lot of time.